
7 (Of The) Top Tips For Anxiety Self Care

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Mental health is currently high on the agenda in the media, particularly so, in these days of COVID restrictions.

For example, worries about the health and wellbeing of family and the threat of workplace redundancy are commonplace.

Equally, not being able to see friends and family all adds to the problem. Anxiety can impact on anyone’s life, at any age and the extent of it can vary hugely.

Consequently, it can manifest itself as low-level feelings of stress and worry constantly bringing you down.

Alternatively, it can present as a full-on state of anxiety, making it impossible to function on a day-to-day basis.

As neither end of the spectrum is good for your long-term health, here are our top 7 tips for anxiety self-care. 

1. Share with Someone You Trust

The first port of call, in terms of anxiety self-care, has to be talking to someone you trust and taking the first step in admitting you are struggling can bring a sense of relief in itself.

Whether you prefer to speak to someone you know or anonymously to a third party such as the Samaritans, having someone take you seriously and listen to you can be incredibly helpful.

2. Set Aside Time

Whilst worries are often based on something specific, it’s not always the case.

For example, it can become so much the norm to feel worried, you can sometimes feel you have to worry or something awful will happen.

As such, you have worries that you can’t control.

However, if you allocate a certain time of day to focus on your worries, you can start to take back control

3. Write It Down

Similarly, instead of setting aside a specific time, writing down your worries can also help.

By writing them in one specific place, such as a notebook or keeping them in an envelope on individual pieces of paper, they can start to become slightly more manageable.

4. Get Physical

Although anxiety is a mental health issue, maintaining good physical health can help.

It’s been proven that exercise can have a significant positive impact on your mental health.

Whilst exercise can boost your overall mood, it also releases endorphins which chemically have a positive effect on your mood.

5. Eat Well

Another method of looking after your physical wellbeing which can help anxiety is eating well.

For instance, eating regularly will maintain your blood sugar level and help avoid mood dips.

Equally, eating nutritious and well-balanced meals will improve your physical health and make you feel better in yourself.

6. Mindset

Mindfulness has been found to be a powerful tool to help combat mental health issues.

Anxiety can bring on panic attacks but by practising breathing exercises and meditation, focusing on your breathing can be very helpful in minimising anxiety.

It also helps focus your mind away from specific concerns; in effect, temporarily turning off the anxiety.

7. Alternative Therapies

Alongside mindfulness and meditation, other alternative therapies can prove invaluable in the fight against anxiety.

For example, over the counter, natural remedies such as St John’s Wort can help counter anxiety.

Similarly, therapies such as hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, reflexology and even massage can be very powerful ways to bring about a more relaxed mind.

Additionally, innovative therapies such as tapping can help put in place effective strategies to use when faced with particularly stressful situations.

To learn more, get in touch with us today.

In the meantime, check our court of protection solicitor services.

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