About Us


A caring and compassionate firm with a leading reputation for excellence

We are committed to providing outstanding and exceptional legal services by navigating the complexities of the law to provide advice which is clear, concise and compassionate. Despite having a national presence, our services are personal and tailored to each specific case to ensure we achieve the best possible outcomes for those we represent.

As well as representing the individual to whom the case relates to, we also represent and accept instructions from PPR’s, Advocates, and family members. We are contracted by the Legal Aid Agency to provide our services under legal aid to ensure those that need us the most are represented.

“We are committed to providing expert representation and achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, who are real people facing real problems, by using the power of the law to make lives better”

Our values echo what we do and what we represent.

Charitable: we do all that we can to give back to the community and those in need, including the provision of pro bono legal representation to those who need it.

Ethical: we maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct, practising and maintaining ethical values in all our work and relationships.

Integrity: We operate the firm with integrity, honesty and strong moral principles.

Inclusive: We are a respectful, inclusive and diverse firm that values equality and dignity so that we are unified as a team.

Excellence: We demonstrate excellence in all that we do as a firm.

Our Team

The firm is led by Ranjit Thaliwal and Rakesh Veja, however, the success of our firm is attributed to our talented and dedicated team who work closely together each day to meet the objectives of our clients.

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    Charity Efforts

    On Saturday 22nd June 2024 at 10:00am, we will be...

    We are very proud of the runners this weekend who...

    Fully committed to giving back to the community

    We are involved with a number of charities and organisations. The directors are Trustees of various charities, including Unique Home for Girls and Leicestershire South Food Bank. The firm organise a number of charitable events and initiatives each year raising both funds and awareness. 

    The firm is also committed to supporting those entering the legal profession by providing work experience opportunities for students and also regularly attending local schools, colleges and universities for career and development advice.