
Forum for Migrant Senior Care Workers in the Health Sector

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On Saturday 2 March 2013, Bushra Ali, Head of our Immigration Department took part in a Forum for Migrant Senior Care Workers in the Health Care Sector, held at St Andrew’s Community Hall in Leicester.

The purpose of the Forum was to bring together Migrants in the Health Care Sector that are adversely affected by the recent controversial changes to the Immigration Rules in relation to Family Migration.

At the Forum, Bushra gave a run down on the changes in the Immigration Rules which include:

  • Setting down minimum income thresholds for UK sponsor’s in order to apply for their spouse/
    Partner to enter the UK
  • An additional income requirement in order to apply for each dependant child to enter the UK
  • Creating longer routes to settlement for the Migrant Partner
  • The inclusion of stringent financial tests assessing income of the household at each 2.5 year period when applying for an extension of leave to remain
  • Drastic changes to the dependant relative route, removing the ability to apply entry clearance as a dependant relative of a UK sponsor unless the Migrant has a severe disability or incapacity requiring the personal care of the Sponsor that cannot be provided by another.

Bushra spoke about the impact that these new rules are having on the lives of families. Family units are being left severed due to an inability to meet the financial requirement. Bushra raised concerns and questioned the Immigration Rules, as there are many working migrants, financially supporting themselves without recourse to public funds and already financially supporting their family by regularly sending funds, and yet because the Sponsor is not earning a certain figure, he or she is denied the right to have their family reunited.

The government has attempted to justify the salary thresholds by stating it ensures better integration in the UK. Bushra referred to the new Rules as discriminatory as the level of one’s salary does not dictate the extent to which one will be able to integrate into the UK community.

At the Forum, held for migrant workers, Bushra raised the point that these migrants, particularly in the Health care sector, have served the UK through their sheer hard work and dedication and yet after settlement into the UK are denied the right to have their partner and children join them in this country.

Bushra gave real life examples of cases where she continues to challenge the changes in the rules. Bushra emphasised the importance to continue to put such real life cases forward so that MPs take notice of the number of people suffering as a result of these unacceptable changes to the rules.