Mental Health Paralegal staff

Shay You

Shay is a dedicated Mental Health Paralegal at Thaliwal & Veja, specialising in advising clients on appealing their section under the Mental Health Act 1983. By advising clients on the processes of their Tribunal, Shay provides invaluable support to those navigating the complexities of the mental health legal system.

Shay holds a Bachelor of Laws from University of Bristol and completed her Legal Practice Course in 2024. With a previous background of working within the NHS, Shay supports solicitors by conducting legal research, preparing comprehensive case documentation, and managing cases with precision and care.

Shay’s approach is both empathetic and professional, providing clients with the support and guidance they need during challenging times. Outside of work, Shay enjoys cooking new dishes and keeping fit by going on park runs. In addition, she enjoys travelling and visiting new countries. Before joining Thaliwal & Veja, Shay worked as an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea. Whilst there, one of her favourite activities was hiking up the many mountains that the country had to offer. Shay is passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of our clients, ensuring they have the best possible representation and support in their appeals through the Mental Health Tribunal.