
Our Top 5 Tips for Keeping Calm Under Pressure

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It’s normal to feel stressed every now and then in our lives.

But sometimes, we’re faced with stressful situations that make us feel overwhelmed when trying to deal with them.

When our minds and bodies are put under pressure, we naturally go into “fight or flight” mode, designed to either get us ready to fight or run away from danger.

In some cases, when you feel stressed or anxious, your “fight or flight” mode is most likely being triggered too easily.

Luckly, there are a few simple but effective tips you can try to keep calm when put under pressure.

1. Take a Deep Breath

If you’re faced with a stressful situation where you cannot leave, you can calm yourself down by practicing breathing exercises.

Now, the saying “take a deep breath” may seem like a cliche, but it truly holds value.

Positively, getting more oxygen inside your body can release physical tension and you can do this at any time, anywhere.

Moreover, the 4-7-8 breathing technique is an effective way to boost oxygen levels in your body.

Simply inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and then exhale for 8 seconds.

By doing so, your brain will be more focused on breathing rather than the stressful situation.

2. Focus on the Positive

When you’re put under pressure, if you only focus on the negative this will increase anxiety and feelings of panic.

As such, you should try and focus your mind on the positives to avoid stress and stay calm.

With that in mind, writing down what you’re feeling stressed about is a good way to focus your thoughts on the positive and eliminate the negative.

Research reveals, journaling your thoughts can help to reduce psychological stress in families, especially with critically ill loved ones – write down what’s causing you stress and express your emotions on the page.

3. Sleep Well

If you’re feeling under pressure and you haven’t slept properly – stress and anxiety will kick in and can often result in insomnia, and you’ll end up in a vicious cycle.

As recommended, try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Therefore, turn off your TV earlier in the evenings, dim the lights and give your mind and body some “down time” to relax, which will help you to get a better night’s sleep.

As a result, you’ll be able to deal with being put under pressure a lot better when you’re well rested.

4. Take a Walk

Walking is a great way to manage stress when you’re put under pressure as it releases endorphins.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to walk for miles either – simply moving your body for 5 or 10 minutes is enough.

Furthermore, walking with a close friend is a good way for social support as you can talk about your emotions.

On the other hand, walking alone outside gives you the opportunity for self-reflection on the situation and come back with newfound optimism

5. Inhale Soothing Essential Oils

Taking in essential oils can help calm your mind – sometimes known as aromatherapy.

And it focuses on inhaling scents to balance your mental health.

In particular, lavender has been associated with lower levels of anxiety, depression and stress.

Other essential oils include rose, sandalwood, chamomile, rose and more.

With a wide variety of oils available, choose scents that you like.

Simply light a candle or a diffuser, or add a few drops of oil to a cotton pad to sniff and see if your stress levels go down.

Final Thoughts

Stress is unavoidable but you shouldn’t ignore it either – because if you’re put under too much pressure it could lead to other physical and mental health issues.

Luckily, these simple tips above can make stress manageable and help you to stay calm when put in stressful situations.

To find out more please get in touch.

In the meantime check out our Court of Protection services.

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